Feb 8, 2023Liked by 'We are WA state' (j. sparks)

The People if this state are not happy with our mail on voting and I can’t believe this totally BS system if voting would make anyone happy except for the Dems who I believe in most areas did not win but have been installed. The voting in Washington State us as corrupt as hell already if this were to go thru no Republican will ever win and we will never get rid of Wanna be Hitler Inslee.

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Jan 27, 2023Liked by 'We are WA state' (j. sparks)

It is overly late for us, but we need to contact all of our (non) elected politicians and tell them not to vote for it. Do you have the names for the Ranked Choice Committee to contact??

Here is a list of people to contact regarding the firearm bills that I posted on TS:

Senate Law and Justice Committee:

Manka Dhingra (Democrat-45) Chair manka.dhingra@leg.wa.gov (360) 786-7672

Yasmin Trudeau (Democrat-27) V-Chair yasmin.trudeau@leg.wa.gov (360) 786-7652

Mike Padden (Republican-4) mike.padden@leg.wa.gov (360) 786-7606

Patty Kuderer (Democrat-48) patty.kuderer@leg.wa.gov (360) 786-7694

Jim McCune (Republican-2) jim.mccune@leg.wa.gov (360) 786-7602

Jamie Pedersen (Democrat-43) Jamie.pedersen@leg.wa.gov (360) 786-7628

Jesse Salomon (Democrat-32) jesse.salomon@leg.wa.gov (360) 786-7662

Nikki Torres (Democrat-15) nikki.torres@leg.wa.gov (360) 786-7684

Javier Valdez (Democrat-46) Javier.valdez@leg.wa.gov (360) 786-7690

Keith Wagoner (Republican-39) keith.wagoner@leg.wa.gov (360) 786-7676

Lynda Wilson (Republican-17) Lynda.wilson@leg.wa.gov (360) 786-7632

BILL INFORMATION: https://app.leg.wa.gov/billsummary?BillNumber=5232...

To Testify or provide a written comment: https://app.leg.wa.gov/committeeschedules/Home/Agenda/30544

February 2, 2023 Law and Justice Agenda: https://app.leg.wa.gov/committeeschedules/Home/Agenda/30544

Here is an updated list of firearm bills. Please stay tuned for more information about hearings and what you can do to help fight these bills.

You need to make an appointment to get in to speak to your Legislators. You cannot just show up anymore.

To find your Legislators go here: https://app.leg.wa.gov/DistrictFinder/

Ask them to vote NO on all firearm bills that restrict your rights.

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