Jan 16Liked by 'We are WA state' (j. sparks)

just got a letter from PUD in Puget power, telling us to cut back on our power our hot water and heat in this cold temperatures, yet down The Street they just installed like 20 brand new electric car chargers! Yet to be revealed, we know what they're up to they're going to shut us off whenever they want! When they don't like what we say or post! That's why it Hass to be installed even if you don't use it, I sure would like to find a good lawyer and get a whole bunch of people on board

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Jan 16Liked by 'We are WA state' (j. sparks)

I do not know anything about the smart meter you are speaking about. How do we know if we have them. I am offended by PSE contacting me, actually, annoying me to tell me to turn down my thermostat! I PAY THE BILL, how dare they tell me how warm my home should be. In the future they will be able to 'cut the juice' if and when they deem it necessary...that is obviously where the stupid green energy hogwash is headed.

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Jan 17Liked by 'We are WA state' (j. sparks)

I am calling peninsula light tomorrow and asking them to remove it! They didn't give people an option and I am livid that its on our house...I want it gone!!

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Jan 17Liked by 'We are WA state' (j. sparks)

Oh they know. Nonvaxer420 on rumble is great plane to start with videos on how sick this plan is

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Mar 5Liked by 'We are WA state' (j. sparks)

You are absolutely correct to be suspicious of these smart meters. In fact, anything that begins with smart should be looked at suspiciously. The UN agenda 21 is behind a lot of this crap. It’s behind the growth, management act, the shoreline, protection act, and a lot of other political policies that have Taken our country down the toilet toward communism. Now they call it agenda 2030 and agenda 2050. One of their horrible programs is called target zero. Target zero sounds good on the face but remember the devil is in the details. Target zero is a program to get highway deaths down to zero which sounds great. I mean who could be against that right? But what do you think they’re gonna need to do to get down to zero? That’s right get you out of your cars. No thank you. They want to control your means of transportation and in conjunction with that the 15 minute cities or five minute cities will be the reason you don’t need your car. Fight this garbage with everything that’s in you.

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Jan 17Liked by 'We are WA state' (j. sparks)

The latest thing I've heard is by reducing the population to reduce carbon emissions, and why not use any means possible to "thin out" the sick and weak by plandemic, and vaccines, RF waves etc.....while stacking their bank accounts in the process

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